Training. Wassili Zafiris. NLP. RETEC.

Depression Coach Certification Training

The Depression and Zest for Life Coach Certification training is the training where you will learn how to expose and transform the inner landscape of depression. This is the first coaching certification training for coaches and therapists! Join us in becoming a Depression & Zest for Life coach!

Happiness is Depressing

Depression is as common as the flu. It is expected to be the main cause of disease in 2021/25 (source: World Health Organization – WHO). Sadness, bereavement and sombreness are so common that more and more coaches have clients who experience these feelings. Many therapists know these feelings themselves.

Some coaches mistakenly believe that depression is primarily the domain of “therapy” or psychiatry. Did you know that an average burnout is very often associated with depressive feelings? That many chronic problems often have to do with underlying depressive feelings? And that coaches and clients do not know or recognize the symptoms outside the (serious) symptoms described in DSM5? This lack of knowledge makes it very difficult to provide effective guidance. Moreover, standard coaching methods are not effective enough or focused on these specific problems. Therapist trained in this field experience many challenges in how to work effectively with these problems.

There is a lot of misunderstanding about depression. People in general, find it challenging to talk about somber feelings. Afraid of being seen as weak and ill. This is already apparent from the fact that it is one of the most concealed problems of entrepreneurs, for example. You can read more about this in the book Happiness is Depressing.

The aim of the training

The Depression & Zest for life coach training and the accompanying book ‘Happiness is Depressing‘ aim to support coaches and therapists to work very effectively with this very large and often unrecognized group of people.

New methods and techniques

The training offers coaches and therapists newly developed techniques that are highly effective (compared to current standard methods). This training also aims to give relatives of people with depression (and those who work with this group) insight into the mindset of a (very) gloomy loved one, family member, friend, colleague or client. The latter is crucial for the depressed person and his environment. Learning about the depressive mindset also provides a unique insight into the mental-emotional processes that are essential for understanding zest for life.

10 years of research

The first group of depression coaches already certified in January 2013. The training ‘depression and zest for life coaching’ is taught by NLP Master trainer and neuro-semantics trainer Wassili Zafiris. He developed a holistic method and techniques to enable coaches and therapists to work with clients that experience (chronic) gloom. His approach is unique and shines a new light on the genesis of depression and gloom. Wassili’s method also offers a variety of new techniques and methods for working with clients suffering from depression. He spent 10 years researching depression and was able to uncover surprising new things about how depression comes about, what causes it and how you can work effectively with depression. Wassili has written down his experiences in his book Happiness is Depressing (2019). First published in Dutch in 2016.

Modeling depression and happiness

Wassili has ‘remodeled’ ‘what we know’ about happiness and depression. He has used the resulting knowledge to develop a new approach.

Therapy or Coaching?

This approach is unique because it arose not from the therapeutic but from the coaching philosophy. This has resulted in solution-focused techniques that have proven to be highly effective.

During the training, current assumptions about depression and its history are questioned. From a different angle, we look at the history of depression, depression as a ‘disease’ and the counseling methods.

What will you learn?

  • A ‘meta-perspective’ on what we ‘currently know’ about happiness and depression, the causes of depression and ways of counseling.
  • What the influence of medication is and which ‘regular’ methods are (somewhat) effective at the moment.
  • How depression develops.
  • What the pitfalls of DSM5 (psychiatry manual) ‘thinking’ are and why this way of diagnosing has major limitations.
  • What the relationship is between coaching methods and being able to work effectively with depression.
  • How the human mind-body-emotion system works, and how the ‘inner landscape’ specifically ‘is put together’ in a person with depression.
  • How to map the inner landscape  of a depressed person.
  • Why the pursuit of ‘happiness’ can trigger and amplify depression.
  • You will learn to apply newly developed techniques to work effectively with depression.
  • To ‘surgically’ clarify what the underlying problem is.
  • How to change deep seated feelings and emotions.
  • To elegantly intervene and change the inner landscape of depression.
  • A new and holistic method to facilitate Zest for life.
  • How to apply the techniques in other areas than depression.
  • How to coach with the highest standards.

What can you expect?

The training is intensive and practice is expected of the coaches and therapists in the training. In total, the time investment is 9 days for the basic training. In-between training days about 3 to 4 hours a week is minimally required for practice and study.

1 day: The intake interview.
2 days: Loneliness and depression.
2 days: Self-image and depression.
2 days: Resilience and depression.
1 day: Zest for life.
1 day: Certification.

The goal of this training

The goal of this training is to provide insight into how depression and dejection arise and how a depressive gestalt is constructed and transformed. In addition, you will learn a tried-and-tested and new method to help transform depression into zest for life.

Zest for life specialist

This training is mainly intended to provide coaches and therapists the means to recognize the growing group of ‘depressed’ and ‘dissatisfied’ people and to offer the latest tools to stimulate ‘Zest for life’ within these clients. You will become a Zest for life specialist! Ultimately this could mean that you understand how to facilitate the Zest for life gestalt and focus your practice not solely on depression but on how to facilitate a lasting form of happiness, Zest for life! By becoming a Zest for life specialist you could offer the highest quality knowledge to anybody ‘wanting to just feel happy‘!

The intake

  • Our mind, body, emotion system
  • The Matrix of Our Mind – Meaning and Reflexivity.
  • Layers of meaning and reflexivity.
  • What is a Gestalt?
  • How are our ‘frames of thought’ made?
  • The intake interview as an intervention?
  • The intake interview and coaching.

Loneliness and Depression

  • How does loneliness arise?
  • Loneliness in the external landscape and in the internal landscape?
  • Transforming loneliness.
  • Connection and depression.
  • Repairing problematic ties with family and loved ones.
  • Working with the feeling of depression.


  • How does our self-image arise?
  • How does self-image change in depression?
  • How do you restore self-image?
  • The importance of understanding emotions and feelings.
  • No longer at odds with yourself.
  • Updating Identity.


  • The impact of adversity on the development of depression.
  • Bullying and feeling depressed.
  • How do you develop resilience?
  • How does a bad luck mindset arise? And how do you transform ‘Not/ thats me again’ thinking?
  • The importance of decision-making.
  • The impact of luck  on depressive feelings.

Zest for life

  • Step into the future with a new method.
  • Is happiness your goal when you’re depressed?
  • How do you set goals with depressed clients?
  • How do you facilitate Zest for life?
  • Transforming the Inner Landscape using the latest decision technology.
  • Closing a coaching process.


  • On this day all coaches will work in a 45 minutes to an hour session.
  • This will be scored from 0 to 5.
  • Minimum requirement is 3.

Hybrid training blocks

  • The hybrid training blocks will be divided in:
  • 3 days.
  • 4 days.
  • 2 days.
  • Plus online sessions in between training blocks.
  • Please contact us for the latest updates.

Dates & location

The basic training lasts 9 days.

Online training dates 2022

Please contact us for the latest planned hybrid training. Partially live and partially online.

The training is taught at several European locations and online.

Online 9 day training 2023

To be announced
Latin America, NLP community, Coaches, Therapists, Quantum Argentina

Price, time, location

Upon request

In cooperation with:

  1. NLP Greece at the International NLP and Health training. Location and price to be announced.
  2. Quantum Argentina.

Dates 4 day Online Masterclass 2022

4 day Depression Coaching Masterclass Program €990,00
September 20, 21 – 14.30 – 18.30 CET
October 11, 12 – 14.30 – 18.30 CET

Click here to enroll for the Masterclass program

Enroll now


9 day training € 2225,-

Sign up for Depression and Zest for life Coaching and join Accessing Personal Genius with a discount. €710,00 instead of €810,00. APG is the neuro-semantic entree level training packed with coaching techniques. Even advanced NLP practitioners, masters and trainers will benefit from this training. Non-NLP coaches and therapists will learn 14 excellent and directy applicable coaching techniques. A great start for a deeper understanding of the meta-layers of the mind-body-emotion system.

These amounts are VAT-free and therefore the net amount. Training is often deductible, check with the tax authorities. Location, travel not included.


  • NLP masters
  • NLP Health Certified practitioners (Robert Dilts, Tim Hallbom, Suzi Smit).
  • NLP practitioners can participate in the training after the 3 day bridge program.
  • Coaches, therapists, psychologists, doctors, psychiatrists, specialist nurses without an NLP background, can participate after the 5 day bridge program.
  • Contact us for more information about the bridge program.
  • Read: Happiness is Depressing.

4 day Online Masterclass Depression Coaching

When you enroll in the 4 day online masterclass, your investment will be deducted from the total amount.

Dates 4 day Online Masterclass 2022

4 day Depression Coaching Masterclass Program €990,00
September 20, 21 – 14.30 – 18.30 CET
October 11, 12 – 14.30 – 18.30 CET

Click here to enroll for the Masterclass program

Certification levels

1. Associate Certified Depression and Zest for life Coach – ACDC
You have met the admission requirements. Participated in all days of the training and met the basic criteria of the depression and zest for live coach training. During the training you have shown insight and flexibility in applying the techniques. You have applied the techniques to yourself and demonstrated self-reflection and personal development. You have obtained the certification with at least 3 out of 5 points.

2. Certified Depression and Zest for life Coach – CDC
You have obtained the CDC certificate and you have completed the additional 6 day training and you can demonstrate 80 coaching hours. You have had 3 to 5 mentor conversations and scored at least 3+ out of 5 points during a demonstration.

3. Professional Certified Depression and Zest for life Coach – PCDC
You have followed the associate mentor program and you can demonstrate that you have the required knowledge, technique and attitude. You can demonstrate 120 coaching hours. During the demonstration you scored at least 4. This Certificate is valid for 3 years. If you meet all the requirements and want to progress to the PCDC certificate, ask for the associate mentoring program.

Preliminary Certification
You have completed the training and during the certification it appears that knowledge, experience or attitude is lacking or you have completed the certification with less than 3 out of 5 points.

Advice will then be given on additional requirements. The ‘real’ certification will take place when the additional requirements are met.